Click on the bottom right corner where the cursor has become a black plus sign (this appears when holding your cursor over the bottom right corner of D6 while both D5 and D6 are selected) and drag it down through cell D10. Select cells F5 and F6 and hold the cursor over the bottom left corner of cell F6 until the cursor becomes a black plus sign, as shown in the figure below. After this, select cell D6 and enter “=F6/2” and hit the enter key. Next, select cell D5 and enter “=F5/2” this will give us the appropriate amount for the semester since, in this case, a school year consists of two semesters.

You will obviously choose numbers that reflect your personal income categories.) For this example we will enter the following numbers into the corresponding cells: o “4800” in F5 o “6000” in F6 o “8000” in F7 o “8000” in F8 o “2000” in F9 o “360” in F10 II. (Note: the numbers used in this budget are based on amounts determined to be average by the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Begin by selecting cell F5 and enter the amount of income received from jobs.